The Suit of Cups in Tarot represents emotions, relationships, intuition, and creativity. Associated with the water element, these cards often reflect matters of the heart, deep feelings, and personal connections. They are commonly linked to love, friendships, dreams, and spiritual awareness.
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ToggleCups Tarot Cards & Their Meanings
Ace of Cups – New emotional beginnings, love, compassion, spiritual awakening
Two of Cups – Partnership, unity, mutual attraction, deep connection
Three of Cups – Celebration, friendship, community, joyful gatherings
Four of Cups – Apathy, contemplation, missed opportunities, emotional withdrawal
Five of Cups – Loss, regret, grief, focusing on the past
Six of Cups – Nostalgia, childhood memories, kindness, reconciliation
Seven of Cups – Choices, illusions, wishful thinking, daydreaming
Eight of Cups – Walking away, seeking deeper meaning, emotional growth
Nine of Cups – Contentment, wish fulfillment, emotional satisfaction
Ten of Cups – Harmony, happiness, family, emotional fulfillment
Court Cards in Cups (Personality & Energy)
- Page of Cups – Creativity, intuition, emotional openness, a message of love
- Knight of Cups – Romantic, idealistic, following the heart, dreamer energy
- Queen of Cups – Compassion, emotional depth, intuition, nurturing
- King of Cups – Emotional balance, wisdom, calm leadership, control over feelings
When the Suit of Cups Appears in a Reading
- Upright: Love, emotional depth, relationships, intuition, creativity
- Reversed: Emotional blockages, heartbreak, illusions, mood swings
The Suit of Cups is ideal for love readings, self-discovery, and spiritual insights, offering guidance on how to navigate emotional experiences.
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