The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The hermit tarot card meaning

The Hermit is the ninth card in the Major Arcana and symbolizes introspectionwisdom, and solitude. Often depicted as an old man holding a lantern, this card represents a journey inward to seek truth and enlightenment. In this article, we will delve into the general meaningupright interpretations, and its significance in lovecareerhealth, and spirituality. We will also explore its relevance in yes or no questions.

General Meaning of The Hermit Tarot Card (Upright)

When The Hermit appears upright in a reading, it signifies a time of self-reflectioninner guidance, and personal growth. This card encourages you to step back from the noise of the external world and focus on your inner voice. The Hermit is a reminder that true wisdom comes from within and that solitude can be a powerful tool for self-discovery.

The imagery of The Hermit often shows a lone figure holding a lantern, symbolizing the light of knowledge and truth. This card suggests that you are on a quest for deeper understanding and that this journey requires patience and introspection. The Hermit also represents maturity and the ability to guide others through your experiences.

Yes or No Interpretation (Upright)

In yes or no questions, The Hermit upright often suggests a “no” or a “not yet.” This card indicates that more reflection and introspection are needed before making a decision. It encourages you to take your time and seek clarity before moving forward.

Love and Relationships (Upright)

In the context of love and relationships, The Hermit upright signifies a period of introspection and self-discovery. If you are in a relationship, this card may indicate that you or your partner need some time alone to reflect on your feelings and goals. It can also suggest that the relationship is entering a more mature phase, where deeper emotional connections are formed.

For singles, The Hermit encourages you to focus on self-love and personal growth before pursuing a new relationship. This card may also indicate that you are not yet ready for a romantic commitment and need to spend more time understanding your own needs and desires.

Money and Career (Upright)

When it comes to money and career, The Hermit upright suggests a need for patience and careful planning. This card indicates that success will come through hard work and introspection rather than quick fixes. It may also suggest that you need to seek guidance from a mentor or trusted advisor to navigate your career path.

If you are facing challenges in your career, The Hermit advises you to take a step back and reassess your goals. This card encourages you to focus on long-term growth rather than immediate results. For those considering a career change, The Hermit suggests that you take the time to explore your options and make a well-informed decision.

In terms of finances, this card reminds you to be cautious and avoid impulsive decisions. It encourages you to seek financial advice and plan for the future.

Health (Upright)

In terms of health, The Hermit upright signifies a need for self-care and mindfulness. This card suggests that you may need to take a break from your busy schedule to focus on your physical and mental well-being. It encourages you to listen to your body and address any health concerns proactively.

If you have been struggling with a health issue, The Hermit indicates that you may need to seek alternative treatments or take a more holistic approach to healing. This card also reminds you to prioritize mental health and consider practices such as meditation or therapy to achieve balance.

Spirituality (Upright)

On a spiritual level, The Hermit upright represents a deep journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. This card encourages you to seek answers within and trust your inner wisdom. It often appears when you are ready to explore your spiritual path and connect with your higher self.

The Hermit also symbolizes the importance of solitude in spiritual growth. It suggests that spending time alone in meditation or contemplation can lead to profound insights and personal transformation. This card may also indicate that you are being called to share your wisdom with others and guide them on their spiritual journeys.


The Hermit tarot card is a powerful symbol of introspectionwisdom, and personal growth. Whether it appears in a reading about love, career, health, or spirituality, its message is clear: take time to reflect, seek inner guidance, and trust in your journey. By embracing the energy of The Hermit, you can gain clarity, find your truth, and achieve a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The hermit tarot card reversed love meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card Reversed Meaning and Interpretation


The Hermit tarot card represents introspection, solitude, and spiritual wisdom in its upright form. However, when reversed, it takes on a different meaning. Instead of self-discovery, it can indicate isolation, loneliness, or resistance to personal growth. This card suggests an imbalance—either withdrawing too much or refusing to reflect when needed.

Understanding the reversed meaning of The Hermit can provide clarity in various aspects of life. Whether you are struggling in relationships, career decisions, or spiritual growth, this card offers valuable insights.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning and Interpretation

The reversed Hermit often signals a period of isolation, avoidance, or feeling lost. It can indicate fear of introspection, social withdrawal, or difficulty in finding direction. Instead of using solitude for growth, one might feel disconnected or stuck.

Common Interpretations of The Hermit Reversed:

  • Loneliness: Feeling isolated, even when surrounded by others.
  • Avoidance: Ignoring self-reflection or refusing to face inner truths.
  • Withdrawal: Shutting people out, leading to emotional disconnection.
  • Lack of direction: Struggling to find meaning or purpose in life.
  • Spiritual block: Feeling disconnected from intuition or higher wisdom.

This card serves as a reminder to find balance. While solitude is necessary, excessive withdrawal can be harmful. Instead of resisting reflection, embracing inner growth can lead to clarity.

The Hermit Reversed: Yes or No?

When asking a yes or no question, The Hermit reversed leans toward “No.” It suggests confusion, delays, or the need for deeper introspection before making a decision. If seeking an answer, this card advises waiting until clarity is gained.

When The Hermit Reversed Means “No”:

  • The situation lacks direction or understanding.
  • Fear or self-doubt prevents making a wise choice.
  • Emotional isolation is affecting judgment.
  • External distractions are clouding intuition.

When It May Mean “Yes”:

  • If the question is about reconnecting with others, the answer is “Yes.”
  • If asking about overcoming isolation, this card supports that decision.

The Hermit Reversed in Love and Relationships

Love and Romantic Relationships

In love readings, The Hermit reversed suggests emotional distance, isolation, or avoidance of deeper connection. It warns against withdrawing too much or resisting personal growth within a relationship.

For Singles:

  • Fear of intimacy may be preventing meaningful connections.
  • Avoiding dating due to emotional wounds or past heartbreaks.
  • Feeling lonely but resisting social opportunities.

For Those in Relationships:

  • Emotional withdrawal is creating distance between partners.
  • Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings.
  • One partner may be avoiding personal growth, affecting the relationship.

To improve love life, focus on opening up. Vulnerability strengthens relationships, while avoidance creates barriers. Seeking balance between solitude and connection is essential.

The Hermit Reversed in Money and Career

Career Interpretations:

The reversed Hermit in career readings suggests a lack of direction, feeling isolated at work, or resisting guidance. It may indicate professional stagnation due to fear of change.

  • Struggling to find motivation or passion for work.
  • Feeling disconnected from colleagues or lacking support.
  • Refusing to seek mentorship or advice when needed.
  • Avoiding necessary career changes due to fear of uncertainty.

Financial Interpretations:

In financial matters, this card warns against poor financial planning, ignoring advice, or feeling lost in money management.

  • Avoiding responsibility for financial decisions.
  • Ignoring budgeting or overspending due to emotional stress.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unsure how to improve financial stability.

The key to progress is seeking guidance. Whether in career or finances, avoiding necessary changes can lead to further difficulties. Taking control of decisions leads to improvement.

The Hermit Reversed in Health

Health readings with The Hermit reversed indicate neglecting well-being, ignoring medical advice, or feeling mentally exhausted. It serves as a reminder to pay attention to both physical and emotional health.

Health Warnings and Advice:

  • Physical health: Ignoring symptoms, delaying check-ups, or self-isolating instead of seeking support.
  • Mental health: Experiencing depression, anxiety, or emotional fatigue due to excessive withdrawal.
  • Lack of self-care: Failing to prioritize well-being or avoiding necessary lifestyle changes.

To improve health, seek support. Isolation can worsen conditions, so connecting with loved ones or professionals is crucial. Small steps toward self-care lead to significant improvements.

The Hermit Reversed in Spirituality

Spiritually, The Hermit reversed suggests feeling lost, disconnected from intuition, or resisting inner work. Instead of seeking wisdom, one might be avoiding deeper truths.

Spiritual Insights and Guidance:

  • Doubting spiritual beliefs or feeling disconnected from personal faith.
  • Avoiding self-reflection due to fear of facing hidden emotions.
  • Seeking external distractions instead of focusing on inner growth.

To regain spiritual clarity, reconnect with meditation, introspection, or spiritual practices. Trusting inner guidance and allowing time for reflection can bring renewed insight.


The Hermit tarot card reversed highlights the dangers of excessive isolation, avoidance, and lack of self-awareness. In love, career, health, and spirituality, it warns against withdrawing too much or resisting necessary growth.

Finding balance is key. While solitude is important, complete isolation can be damaging. Seeking guidance, reconnecting with others, and embracing personal development will lead to greater clarity and fulfillment.